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Introduction of NJCB

Incorporated on February 8, 1996, Bank of Nanjing is one of 20 domestic systemically important banks in China. The bank was one of the first city commercial banks listed in China in 2007. It operates in one of the most dynamic regions of China (Yangtze River Economic Belt) which hosts 20% of population and 40% of GDP.

2024 Rankings:

· 91st in the 1000 largest banks in the world (The Banker 2023)

· 20th largest A-share listed commercial bank in China

· 5th largest city commercial banks (out of 125) in China

Responsible Finance

Win-Win Cooperation

Corporate Culture
  • 官方微信 南京银行APP 南京银行

总行地址:南京市建邺区江山大街88号 邮编:210019 南京银行股份有限公司版权所有

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